With a minimum donation of just $100, your ad can appear at the bottom of emails and on our special Sponsor Page. Not only are you helping our school with needed funding, you will be getting the word out about your business. Your ad will run on the site for the time you specify, and will also be presented in individual emails to our parents. THE FREQUENCY OF AD DISPLAYS AND EMAIL VISIBILITY IS DETERMINED BY THE LEVEL OF YOUR DONATION.
Platinum Level - Donation of $500 or more
- Your business will be listed as a PLATINUM DONOR on our website. This level will be larger in size and at the top of the Sponsor Page.
- We will also include your business information on the HOME page of the website.
- Your business will receive specific recognition on our social media websites, Facebook & Twitter.
- You will receive access to a free table at ALL PTA events. (Cookies with Santa, Family Fit Night, Spring Carnival, etc) Please note that not every event has this type of opportunity and type of events may vary from year to year.
Gold Level - Donation of $250-499
- Your business' information will display under the Gold Level Sponsorship on our website.
- Your business will receive specific recognition on our social media websites, Facebook & Twitter.
- You will receive access to free table at ONE of our events. (Cookies with Santa, Family Fit Night, and Spring Carnival)
Silver Level - Donation of $175- $249
- Your business' information will display under the Silver Level Sponsorship on our website.
- Your business will receive specific recognition on our social media websites, Facebook & Twitter.
Bronze Level - Donation of $100- $174
- Your business' information will display under the Bronze Level Sponsorship on our website.